My Pet Frog

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


A new Pew Research Center poll has reported that religion is losing sway and influence on American life.  This poll also found that these religious people felt that Democrats and the Obama Administration are unfriendly toward religion.  Obviously, from the findings, we can see that these religious people who were polled were Christian fundamentalists.  These are very prejudiced people. They have taken over radio and television and are constantly expounding their biases.  They are driving many people out of the churches and even into atheism.  In my opinion it is a good thing that they are losing influence on American life.

I grew up in the Presbyterian Church.  I am a Christian.  I do not subscribe to any of their "teachings." My ancestors came to this country seeking religious freedom.  They were being persecuted for their religious beliefs by the kings of Spain and France, in the name of the Catholic Church.  Surprisingly, the country of Germany was a place of refuge in those days (the 1600's).  Jews and Protestants went to Germany seeking freedom.  However, the kings of Spain and France pursued them even there. The city of Manheim, Germany was destroyed at least three times by the kings' troops. Eventually my ancestors sailed to America.

Now the American constitution gives us religious freedom. However, these fundamentalist groups who call themselves Christians, would deny us religious freedom.  They want control over what we believe, what we do, and even how we pray.  They do not believe in religious freedom even though it is in our constitution.  They dislike Obama because he tries to enforce the constitution.  They do not want to allow women reproductive freedom.  They want to control women's lives based on their non-Biblical views.  They want this nation to be totally  Fundamentalist "Christian," even though we have Christians of differing views, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists, and others.  They want to enforce their views on all of us, just as the Catholic Church tried to do in Europe centuries ago.  The Catholic Church drove the Europeans out of the Church by these methods.  Now the people of Europe are non-religious.  Don't our Fundamentalists ever wonder why?

We were promised religious freedom in America and I hope and pray that we can maintain it.

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